Poor Franklin was headed for the slaughterhouse!
91,564 cm3
Kennel offered
91,564 cm3
Kennel necessary
Juanita is a 16-year-old cat who has spent her entire life outdoors. She arrived as a kitten at one of our feeding sites.
She suffers from the calicivirus, a viral disease that affects her mouth and gums. It mainly recurs in the winter; the damp worsens the symptoms and makes them more painful. As she ages, she becomes more fragile...
At 16, Juanita is very susceptible to cold and damp, which exacerbate her calicivirus. A suitable shelter would offer her a haven to protect herself from the elements, lessen the impact of winter on her health, and keep her dry. This would contribute to reducing her sufferings associated with the illness.
We have around a hundred free-living cats in our care. We receive no subsidies, and food donations are too scarce. We are only two volunteers, and expenses are mounting up, between care and food for all these animals. We fear we may no longer be able to cope.